Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Google Logos

When Google was a Stanford research project, it was nicknamed BackRub because the technology checks backlinks to determine a site's importance.

Google - our favourite search engine, displays different logos from time to time. Here are some of my favourite google's holiday logos:

1. Leonardo da Vinci's Birthday - April 15, 2005

2. Leap Year - February 29, 2004

3. Happy Valentine's Day! - February 14, 2004

4. Google celebrates Einstein's birthday - March 14, 2003

5. Father's Day - June 16, 2002

For more of these logos, click here.


Naresh said...

Cool man! Such blogs keep me abreast of whtz hpng in da techie world... nice blog here!

enginerd said...

Technical Inspiration! I am flattered

Bhavesh said...

in google lingo, they used 2 b known as google doodle. i once read the blog of the guy hu makes them. he's some managing director for a continent or some hifi techno dude :D.