Friday, September 02, 2005

Blog Day 2005

Shit Man! I missed Blog Day yesterday, and being an ardent blogger, I can tell you, its not a great feeling. Thanks to Enginerd and Prasoon, I came to know that 3108 (August 31) is celebrated as Blog Day, (for all the dolts who can't make it out why, just look at the pic closely) .

After this interesting thing came to my knowledge, I decided to use good ol Google to find more about it, and herez something which one might find amusing about,


BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors.With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. In this way, all Blog web surfers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.

We need BlogDay because:

1. Information Overflow! The more Blogs there are, the less time Bloggers spend on reading new weblogs. Because of the overload of information, you miss a lot of good Blogs and Bloggers.

2. Its Fun!

So, comrades as per Blogger Instruction about today's posting, here are some of my recommendations (don't loathe me, if you don't like them ;):


1 comment:

enginerd said...

Nice recommendations those, the last one in particular.