Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Google Base up and running

Yesterday Google officially released Google Base. Google Base is a place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content that google will host and make searchable online. Google Base enables content owners to easily make their information searchable online. Anyone, from large companies to website owners and individuals, can use it to submit their content in the form of data items. Google will host the items and make them searchable for free.

Google says "our goal is to organize the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible, and the world's information certainly includes almost anything you might wish to contribute. We encourage you to submit your item, whether it's your store inventory, collection of original poetry, or research paper on cancer receptors."

You can read more about google base at google's official blog but Iam off to try my hands at google base first hand.. you coming?


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