Friday, December 09, 2005

Mouse-less Firefox

I always believe one thing that differentiates nerds from newbies is way they handle computer interaction. You will always find nerds, instead of using mouse, use keyboard shortcut keys for interaction. And with the world going gaga over Firefox, here is the list of few keyboard shortcuts that could reduce your trips to the mouse and can lead to a much more fulfilling web browsing experience.

Navigation from the toolbar:

  1. Select location bar: Ctrl+L or Alt+D
  2. Select search bar: Ctrl+K
  3. Change search engine: Ctrl+Down after doing Ctrl+K
Opening pages:
  1. New Window: Ctrl+N
  2. New Tab: Ctrl+T
Grab Bag:
  1. Switch tabs: Ctrl+Tab
  2. Select tab (1-9): Ctrl+[1-9]
  3. Home Page: Alt+Home
  4. Complete .com Addres: Ctrl+Enter

For comprehensive list, click here.


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