Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Software Aging and Rejuvenation

Common saying goes that only humans age and get themselves rejuvinated. But apparantely Prof. Kishore Trivedi has brought this idea into software paradigm as well. According to him,

Software Aging is:

  • Deterioration in the availability of OS resources, data corruption and numerical error accumulation.
  • Potential fault conditions gradually accumulating over time leading to either performance degradation or transient failures or both.
Manifestation of aging is seen with performance degradation, crash/hang failure etc. Windows 95 is one such example.

Software Rejuvenation is:
  • It is a proactive fault management technique aimed at cleaning up the system internal state to prevent the occurrence of more severe crash failures in the future. It involves occasionally terminating an application or a system, cleaning its internal state and restarting it.
Current methods of software rejuvenation include system restart, application restart (partial rejuventaion).

It seems to be a very interesting idea and is soon starting to become a hot research topic. For more info, click here.


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