Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Gates vs Jobs: Whoz the hero?

Gates vs Jobs: The ubiquitous question in the tech world!
Without doubt both are genius, Without doubt both are living legends. But enter into tech world and you could find them to be star attractions of all conspiracy theories. Both seem to have an uncanny knack of attracting accusations. Read the article here which compares the two maven's.
My pick of the hero will be Steve Jobs, primarily because of his love for creativity and innovation. I was and I still am completely bowled by IPod's User Interface, only Apple could have come up with such a product!


1 comment:

Prasoon said...

steve jobs anytime and everytime baby.. n thats iPod and not IPod.. therez a difference :D
n shud one forget, how he revived apple, pixar etc.. only a legend can do this.
[wait for a2's support for gates !!]